
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8469 From: ryant61175 Date: 10/12/2013
Subject: Mach3 M5 not sending message
Hi, I am trying to get my KFlop board working with mach3.  So far it has mostly been smooth but I am having trouble getting the spindle to work correctly.

I am using SpindleMach3.c to test the communication between the two programs, but M5 does not appear to send any message.

S, M3 and M4 send messages correctly, but I never get anything from mach3 when I try to use M5.

I am using 4.31k and the newest version of mach3.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8470 From: ryant61175 Date: 10/12/2013
Subject: Re: Mach3 M5 not sending message

Ah, I just found the thread that states the "Disable Spindle Relays" needs to be un-checked.  It works now.

---In dynomotion@yahoogroups.com, <r691175002@...> wrote:

Hi, I am trying to get my KFlop board working with mach3.  So far it has mostly been smooth but I am having trouble getting the spindle to work correctly.

I am using SpindleMach3.c to test the communication between the two programs, but M5 does not appear to send any message.

S, M3 and M4 send messages correctly, but I never get anything from mach3 when I try to use M5.

I am using 4.31k and the newest version of mach3.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8471 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/12/2013
Subject: Re: Mach3 M5 not sending message
I think that happens when you have the Mach3 Disable Spindle Relays Option set for some reason.